Assam Issues Draft Net Metering Guidelines For Solar Projects

Highlights :

  • The capacity of the Renewable Energy System under the Group Net Metering or Virtual Net Metering framework should not be less than 1 kilowatt and no more than 1 MW, it said. 
  • The rule applies to renewable energy systems commissioned till 31st March 2024.
Assam Issues Draft Net Metering Guidelines For Solar Projects Assam Issues Draft Net Metering Guidelines For Solar Projects

The Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission (AERC) has released a draft notification, outlining the guidelines for group net metering and virtual net metering for renewable energy.

The northeastern state, in its guidelines, stated, “The distribution licensees will be required to facilitate and bear the capital expenditure for Service Line cum Development (SLD). This aims to facilitate the creation of network augmentation for renewable energy projects.”

The rule applies to renewable energy systems commissioned till March 31, 2024 under the AERC (Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar PV System) Regulations, 2019. The norms said that these renewable energy systems will be exempted against the payment of wheeling charges, banking charges, cross-subsidy charges, and any other charge(s).

The guidelines define Group Net Metering as an arrangement where surplus energy generated/injected from a Renewable Energy System or Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is charged through a Renewable Energy System. This energy will be exported to the grid through a Net Meter. The energy is further exported to adjust against more than one electricity service connection(s) of the same consumer located within the same distribution licensee’s area of supply.

Virtual Net Metering is an arrangement where all the energy generated/injected from a Renewable Energy System or Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) charged through a Renewable Energy System is exported to the grid through a renewable energy meter/gross meter, and the energy exported is adjusted against more than one electricity service connection(s) of participating consumers located within the same distribution licensee’s area of supply.

Additionally, the draft notes that “The distribution licensee is expected to facilitate and bear the capital expenditure on account of Service Line cum Development (SLD) and network augmentation towards Renewable Energy projects. The same is to be passed through in aggregate revenue requirement (ARR) for the schemes implemented subject to prudence check by the commission.”

The AERC notification further specified, “The capacity of the Renewable Energy System under the Group Net Metering or Virtual Net Metering framework, to be installed by any Renewable Energy generator, is expected to not be less than 1 kilowatt and no more than 1 MW, as per the AERC (Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar PV System) Regulations, 2019.”

The distribution licensee is expected to carry out a detailed technical study of the impact of renewable energy systems installed under the AERC (Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar PV System) Regulations, 2019, on the distribution system for grid voltage and frequency imbalances, harmonics, and technical losses, etc., in its area of supply and submit the report to the Commission within four months from the date of issuance of these guidelines.

The consumer(s)/applicant(s) shall submit an application for Group Net Metering or Virtual Net Metering in the format prescribed by the distribution licensee, along with a non-refundable fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand), to the concerned distribution licensee for a feasibility analysis.

The distribution licensees shall allow the connectivity of Renewable Energy Systems with the distribution system and process the applications under Group Net Metering or Virtual Net Metering as per the provisions laid down in Annexure I of the AERC (Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar PV System) Regulations, 2019. They will facilitate power connectivity for Renewable Energy Systems under Group Net Metering and Virtual Net Metering.

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