The government has imposed an anti-dumping duty on import of tempered glass from Malaysia for a period of 5 years, considering the recommendations made by the DGTR.
The Department of Revenue (DOR) under the Ministry of Finance has imposed an anti-dumping duty on the import of textured tempered coated and uncoated glass from Malaysia for a period of 5 years.
In January, the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) had issued its final findings for the anti-dumping duty investigation concerning the import of textured tempered coated and uncoated glass from Malaysia. The DGTR had recommended levy of anti-dumping duty of $114.58 (Rs 8,161) /metric ton for a period of five years.
After reviewing the submissions made by the parties and stakeholders, the DGTR noted that tempered solar glass has been exported to India largely by one producer, namely Xinyi Solar, whose exports are evaluated as non-dumped, and the Directorate found their exports to India to not be liable for an anti-dumping measure.
According to the directorate, the domestic industry had suffered a material injury during the injury period and period of investigation. The injury had been due to various factors including imports of tempered solar glass from Malaysia.
“The domestic industry has suffered a material injury on account of price suppression and undercutting by imports from Malaysia. The financial parameters on profitability and return on investment (RoI) are also noted to be adverse,” read the DGTR statement.
The government has now accepted the final findings of the DGTR and imposed the anti-dumping duty for a period of 5-years.
In its official notification, the ministry stated, “the DOR has come to the conclusion that the tempered coated and uncoated glass has been exported to India from Malaysia below their normal values and consequently, the domestic industry has suffered material injury and that the material injury has been caused by the dumped imports of the tempered glass from Malaysia during the Period of Investigation, and has recommended imposition of definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of the subject goods, originating in, or exported from Malaysia and imported into India, in order to remove injury to the domestic industry for a period of five years from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette.”
The matter came under investigation after Gujarat Borosil filed a petition requesting the imposition of an anti-dumping duty.
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