ALMM: Easy Photo, Akshaya Solar New Entrants In MNRE’s List

ALMM: Easy Photo, Akshaya Solar New Entrants In MNRE’s List ALMM: Easy Photo, Akshaya Solar New Entrants In MNRE's List

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in its latest list of enlisted solar module makers has allowed entry of two new companies. These two firms have made their entry into the latest Approved List Of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) of MNRE. These include-Easy Photo Voltech and Akshaya Solar. With the addition of the new capacities and deletion of the names of a few, India’s total ALMM enlisted solar module manufacturing capacity now stands at 67.17 GW.

Easy Photo Voltech is a Ghaziabad-based solar module manufacturer. The company was successful in enlisting 81 MW of solar module manufacturing capacity in the latest ALMM. The company enlisted six models of its mono-PERC modules. These modules range from 390 Wp to 575 Wp.

Another new entrant-Akshaya Solar is a Telangana-based company with a manufacturing plant in Hyderabad. The company enlisted 33 MW of new solar module manufacturing capacity. Akshaya Solar also added six models of solar modules based on mono-PERC technology. These range from 390 Wp to 525 Wp.

Deletion Of Capacities 

The latest ALMM witnessed a deletion of 327 MW of capacities from five solar module manufacturers. The brands that moved out of the list included BHEL (214 MW), Urjastrot (43 MW), Plaza Solar (31 MW), and Abhishek Solar (25 MW).

ALMM: Easy Photo, Akshaya Solar New Entrants In MNRE's List

List of capacities delisted from the latest ALMM.

The ministry is now trying to also widen the scope of ALMM in the country for the solar sector. This was also followed by some other amendments in the modalities in the past like revising the minimum efficiency levels of solar modules, clarifying the applicability of the inclusion of Cadmium-tellurium-based thin-film solar modules and others.

The ministry has now also proposed to bring ALMM for solar cell manufacturing. Recently, MNRE also announced a proposal to bring out an ALMM for off-grid solar solutions.

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