Albanese Govt Approves Australia’s New Industrial Solar Project

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  • This approval means the Albanese Government has endorsed enough renewable energy projects to power almost 7 million homes
Albanese Govt Approves Australia’s New Industrial Solar Project Albanese Govt Approves Australia's Largest Renewable Project

The Albanese Government recently gave its environmental approval to build Australia’s new industrial solar power project in the Northern Territory. SunCable’s Australia-Asia Power Link is expected to be one of the big solar farms in Australia. This project is expected to generate up to 6GW of renewable energy, including 4GW which is to be used in Darwin—enough energy to power 3 million homes.

This approval means the Albanese Government has endorsed enough renewable energy projects to power almost 7 million homes. New projects like this are vital to meet the growing local and international demand for renewable energy, help put downward pressure on energy prices, and are also great for local jobs and economies.

The government expects to make this project economically and socially transformative for the Northern Territory. It can enable a green manufacturing sector, produce renewable solar power for Darwin and potential export to Singapore, and provide a long-term source of ongoing employment in remote areas.

SunCable estimates the project will deliver more than $20 billion in economic value to the Northern Territory and support an average of 6,800 direct and indirect jobs each year during the construction phase, with a peak workforce of 14,300. The 12,000-hectare solar farm project is located on a pastoral station between Elliot and Tennant Creek. The approval also includes an 800km transmission line to Darwin and an underwater cable to the edge of Australian waters.

The approval comes with strict conditions to protect nature, including requirements to completely avoid important species like the Greater Bilby and critical habitats. Minister for the Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek, said, “This massive project is a generation-defining piece of infrastructure. It will be the largest solar precinct in the world and herald Australia as the world leader in green energy.”

She further explained, “The energy generated by this project is almost six times the amount of energy a 700MW large nuclear reactor could deliver, based on IEA figures. We have no idea what the equivalent to Peter Dutton’s anti-renewables nuclear plan might be because there are no details other than it being too slow and too expensive for Australia. Not only will this project help turn Australia into a renewable energy superpower, but it will also be a huge boost for the Northern Territory economy.”

She elaborated on the benefits of the project, stating, “It will mean 14,300 new jobs in northern Australia, and it will turbocharge our research and manufacturing capacity in renewable technology. I’ve now approved over 55 renewable energy projects, enough to power the equivalent of almost 7 million homes.”

“Australians have a choice between a renewable energy transition that’s already underway, creating jobs and driving down prices, or paying for an expensive nuclear fantasy that may never happen.”

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