Q. 80 years in existence now for Citel. From Lightening Tubes to New age VG patented SPD’s. Please elaborate more on this journey.
Citel, A France Headquartered company with subsidiaries in all major growth markets has been a leader in Surge Protection Technology. We are a specialist Surge Protector manufacturer with full focus on this line itself. This not a One Off product line for us and all our energies and efforts go in enhancing this technology and applications. All these efforts have been appreciated by the industry and helped us maintain the lineage and grow. This approach has given us the rewards and gain full customer confidence.
Q. Why is it critical to install surge protection at key points within industrial and public building PV facility and its vital power and communication networks?
The quality of Power in majority of developing markets and project sites gets influenced by Switching Surges. In addition Lightening induced Surges also create havoc with sensitive and vital infrastructure projects and equipment. To save these equipment and to ensure continuity of service it is important that proper Surge Protection equipment is used. This fact is now well understood by the industry and all responsible service providers across various industry segments use appropriate Surge Protection products and technology.
Q. How properly designed, specified and installed surge protection devices (SPDs) minimize the potential impact of lightning?
It is Important to have a proper selection of Surge Protections products. It is here that our expertise and World wide experience helps us understand the implications thus enabling us to suggest most suitable solutions. We follow the IEC/UL standards and encourage customers to have a proper selection based on equipment to protect, actual installation conditions and keep an eye on ensuring that O&M always remain well under control. The customer should be able to install and forget rather than keep having recurring Surge issues and ramifications.
Q. Tell us about the VG technology that is exclusive and patented technology of CITEL based on the use of specific types of Gas Sparkgap and how this has been incorporated in surge protectors?
Citel has been consistently putting in lots of efforts and resources in R&D. This new technology developed by Citel using a combination of MOV and Gas Spark Gap is giving the Huge benefit of No Leakage Current, No Follow Current thus having No Ageing of the components. This results in Increased life of Surge Protectors by 4-5 times.
You can imagine the benefits of this Long Life of Surge Protection and how this helps users of this technology Surge Protection to save so much money and downtime in the O&M of their plants and installations.
This has been a Revelation bringing in great savings for the users of this technology Surge Protectors. Markets across the World have appreciated this effort and development.
Q. Industry Experts forecast global surge protection devices market to grow at 5.83% CAGR during the Period 2017-2021, what type of market growth do you see for these devices in India?
India with its focus on Infrastructure Growth and actual investments happening has given a big boost to the Surge Protection industry. Citel has had a 50% Plus Growth Rate Year on Year, ever since the Citel Indian subsidiary was formed. The indications now are further encouraging and pushing to increase growth rate even further.
Q. What are your offerings for Photovoltaic surge protection for Rooftop installation and why is it important to use these?
Residential or otherwise Rooftop segment has to grow by 200% year on year. This is one segment, unlike the big Grid connected projects, where accessability and proximity to people and pets is much greater. It is all the more important to ensure proper safeguards are kept and to ensure that life and equipment is safe from any type of mishap or accident or human error. Proper selection and Use of Surge Protection is very important. It is heartening to note that many of the Developers of Rooftop projects understand this and carefully plan use of efficient Surge Protection products.
Q. What is your point of view on the recent announcement of GST rates in India? How GST is going to affect your business in India?
Like any new Reform, Initial implementation of GST will have its challenges and issues in streamlining of the system. This starting phase will have its effects. There are many doubts in the minds of everyone regarding existing inventory and its ramifications but I am sure this will be sorted out soon.
GST rates are also being evolved and we see changes being announced based on market feedback.
Overall we are confident that GST will be a winner and will have a positive impact on the business.