
Solar Cells Made With Tin Could Make Solar Power Cheaper And More Widespread

A research team from University of Warwick lead by Dr. Ross Hatton and Professor Richard Walton explained how solar cells could be produced which are more adaptable and simpler to produce than their current counterparts. Researchers note that solar cells made with tin could lead to a more widespread use of solar power, with potential […]

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Researchers sets New Record for Silicon-based Multi-junction Solar Cell with 30.2 Percent Efficiency

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE together with the Austrian company EV Group (EVG) has developed a silicon-based multi-junction solar cell with two contacts and record efficiency of 30.2 % exceeding theoretical limit of silicon solar cells. To achieve this efficiency, researchers used a “direct wafer bonding” process to transfer a […]

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Researchers develop flexible solar panel that can become part of window shades or wallpaper

A research team Led by Shashank Priya has developed flexible solar panels that can become part of window shades or wallpaper capturing light from the sun as well as light from sources inside buildings. The solar modules which are said to be less than half-a-millimeter thick are created through a screen-printing process using low-temperature titanium […]

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LUT developed new model shows the functioning of an electricity system that fulfills the targets set by Paris agreement

Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) has developed a new model that shows how an electricity system mainly based on solar and wind works in all regions of the world. The new model also shows the functioning of an electricity system that fulfills the targets set by the Paris agreement by using only renewable energy sources.  […]

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Researchers at University of Virginia discover wider use of new solar cells

Despite the potential for powering the world with energy from the sun – the most abundant source of renewable energy – only about 1 percent of the world’s energy production currently comes through solar cell technology. That’s because solar cells are expensive to produce and are susceptible to efficiency reductions over time. For this reason, […]

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This solar-charged battery directly stores energy from sunlight in a tank

Researchers at University of Wisconsin–Madison have developed solar-charged battery that directly stores energy from sunlight in a tank. Song Jin, a professor of chemistry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, has integrated the solar cell with a large-capacity battery. He and his colleagues have made a single device that eliminates the usual intermediate step of making […]

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SolPad: Bringing the Solar Technology in a Single Pack

Solar panels installed at the roof, while batteries placed at the garage or basement- that’s what a typical solar power system looks like. But things are about to change now. The SunCulture Solar, a four year old start-up, led by entrepreneur and inventor Christopher Estes seems eager to make the Solar Panels and Storage One. […]

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This Solar Cell is highly efficient and can harvests more of sun’s energy

  A team of researchers from MIT and the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology has developed new solar cell that includes two different layers of sunlight-absorbing material to harvest a broader range of the sun’s energy and that costs less than its counterparts. The researchers call the device a “step cell,” because the two […]

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Researchers have designed a device that is effective and offer low-cost solution for storing solar energy

Solar energy can be stored by converting it into hydrogen. But current methods are too expensive and don’t last long. Researchers at EPFL and CSEM have designed a device using commercially available solar cells and none of the usual rare metals that outperforms in stability, efficiency and cost. One of the solutions to store solar […]

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