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The International Energy Agency (IEA) in its recent report found that renewable energy investments reached approximately USD 200 billion in 2023. The renewable energy investment reportedly witnessed a 70% increase compared to 2022. Among the renewable energy investments, sectors such as clean technology, solar PV, and battery manufacturing received more than double the investment, reaching around […]
International Energy Agency’s International Power Photovoltaic System Program (IEA-PVPS) recent report found the global PV cumulative capacity grew to 1.6 TW in 2023. IEA-PVPS a collaborative R&D Agreements established within the IEA in its recent study showed, “1 581 GW of minimum installed cumulative capacity was installed by the end of 2023. At least 407.3 […]
India’s potential for Agri-Photovoltaic (APV) varies significantly across districts, ranging from 3,156 GW to 13,803 GW for various APV technologies according to recent report. In a report by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, EY, and CSTEP they projected APV capacity from 2024 to 2040, to achieve a cumulative addition of 20 GW and […]
A recent report on ‘Best Practices on Agrivoltaics‘, particularly focusing on India, was shared by Solar Power Europe in collaboration with the Indo-German Energy Forum (IGEF) and the National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI). It emphasizes the successful adoption of Agrivoltaics in states like Mizoram, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and West Bengal, showcasing […]
A recent report by SEMA collation on the state of US PV solar manufacturing discussed the importance of developing a domestic solar manufacturing supply chain in the United States. The report discussed the steps required to reduce dependency on foreign sources, particularly China, and to strengthen the country’s position in clean energy. The report shared […]
A recent report by Pexapark on European market outlook found the European PPA market recorded a 65% Increase in solar PAA from 2022, due to stabilising environment in deal-making, over the past twelve months. Pexapark in its report mentioned, “Our PPA Tracker recorded a 16.2GW of disclosed contracted volumes – an increase of more than […]
International Energy Agency (IEA) report on, “The Evolution of Energy Efficiency Policy to Support Clean Energy Transitions” outlines the changing energy system and shows why traditional energy efficiency policies must evolve, globally, to ensure clean energy transitions. In response to the evolving energy landscape, the IEA analysis focuses on leveraging existing policy foundations. For instance, […]
A recent report by Rock Mountain Institute (RMI) found that increase usage of battery in transportation can reduce fossil fuel requirements up to half. The report found, “Demand is growing on an S-curve. Battery sales have been doubling every two to three years, and we are on track for a six to eight times increase […]
A recent report by International Energy Agency (IEA) found that a combination of electric vehicles (EVs) and biofuels is anticipated to significantly reduce global oil demand. It’s estimated to offset 4 million barrels of oil-equivalent per day by 2028, constituting over 7% of the predicted oil demand for transportation. The IEA report on E-fuel mentioned, […]
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