Solar Energy Market Research News

Corporate Renewable PPAs in India may Increase in 2021: Report

A report has found that corporate renewable power purchase agreements (PPAs) in India may increase in 2021, despite setbacks from COVID-19. A new report has found that corporate renewable power purchase agreements (PPAs) in India may increase in 2021, despite setbacks from COVID-19. The report by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), shows […]

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RE Plus Storage is Cost Competitive With new Coal Plants in Tamil Nadu: Report

A new economic viability analysis reveals that RE along with battery storage in Tamil Nadu is cost-competitive with new coal power plants. A new economic viability analysis reveals that renewable energy (RE) along with battery storage in Tamil Nadu is cost-competitive with new coal power plants. The report finds the levelised cost of energy (LCOE) […]

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European Renewable PPA Market Could Exceed 10 GW in 2021: Report

The European renewable PPA market is likely to exceed 10 GW in 2021, due to the growing offshore wind momentum throughout Europe and more. The European renewable energy power purchase agreement (PPA) market is likely to exceed 10 GW in 2021, due to continued momentum in Spain, the emergence of a strong subsidy-free market in […]

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Power System Overcapacity Problem in Bangladesh Getting Worse: IEEFA

Overcapacity in the power system of Bangladesh has worsened and threatens to deteriorate further according to a new briefing note by IEEFA. Overcapacity in the power system of Bangladesh has worsened and threatens to deteriorate further according to a new briefing note released by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). Data from […]

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Solar now the Cheapest Source of new Power in Many Markets: WoodMac

A new report finds that by 2030, solar will become the cheapest source of new power in every US state, plus Canada, China & 14 other nations The cost of solar power has dropped 90 percent over the last two decades, and will likely fall another 15 percent to 25 percent in the decade to […]

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FTM Storage Costs to Decline 30% by 2025 in Asia Pacific: WoodMac

All-in FTM battery storage system costs in Asia Pacific markets could decline by more than 30 percent by 2025, as per Wood Mackenzie. All-in front-of-the-meter (FTM) battery storage system costs in Asia Pacific markets could decline by more than 30 percent by 2025, according to research and consultancy firm Wood Mackenzie. Storage system prices fell […]

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US to Deploy 50 Million EVs by 2030, Accelerating EV Adoption

The Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) has released a report, ‘Racing to Accelerate Electric Vehicle Adoption: Decarbonizing Transportation with Ridehailing’. The Report gives insights into the Decarbonization goals of the US. As the race is on to deploy over 50 million electric vehicles (EVs) in the United States in the coming ten years. That will put […]

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Urgency of Meeting Electricity Demand in China From Zero-Carbon Sources: Report

A new report has highlighted both the opportunity and urgency of meeting electricity demand growth in China from zero-carbon sources. On September 22, 2020, President Xi Jinping announced that China will strive to peak emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. This new climate pledge is a critical step forward in the global […]

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Pandemic Wiped out 429,000 Clean Energy Jobs in USA in 2020: Report

Due to the hard-hitting impacts of the pandemic, the US clean energy industry finished 2020 with its fewest number of workers/ jobs since 2015. Due to the hard-hitting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the clean energy industry finished 2020 with its fewest number of workers since 2015. It also marked the first year clean energy […]

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