Saur Energy International
28th November 2022



Free Solar Power Plant for 800 Houses in Kerala by KSEB

In an announcement that might set a precedent for other Indian states to follow, the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) will install rooftop solar power plants for 800 homes in Kerala. The breakup of this number will compose of 500 homes for the homeless as...

ib solar

Solar Is Changing Fast, Here Are 5 Ways It Already Has

When the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission was launched back in January 2010, India had a total installed solar capacity of around 160 MW. The mission itself had a target of 20 GW by 2022. However, changes on the ground in terms of technology, availability...

solax power

ib solar

PM Modi Envisages Gujarat as World’s Biggest Green Hydrogen Destination

Gujarat is poised to become the world’s biggest green hydrogen hub. Headed towards this goal, the State will ring in investments worth Rs 8-10 lakh crore globally. These investments will be made towards the development of green hydrogen and its ecosystem. These announcements were made...

CERC Relents, Allows GST Compensation On O&M Expenses To Azure Power, Others

In a key development, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has finally relented, and ruled in favour of GST compensation for a clutch of developers in seven cases (5 of which involve Azure Power owned entities). The issue has been contested around the treatment of...




APTEL Gives Nod for Time Extension to SPD VCarve Solar Among Others In Karnataka

In a conflict between Vcarve Solar LLP versus Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC), Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited (BESS), APTEL has ruled in favour of the solar power developer. The apex regulator had bundled a number of similar petitions in the same judgement. The various...

Green Markets: Playing a Pivotal Role in Renewable Energy Integration

The Indian power sector is undergoing a paradigm shift with rapidly increasing renewable capacity addition in the system. Renewable electricity generation has seen over 15 per cent compounded annual growth rate over the last few fiscal years (2016-17 to 2021-22) vis-à-vis a total growth of...

Current Issue

Indonesia Mulls Over Six-Month Plan to Accelerate Pvt Investment in RE

Indonesia is now bullish on a national plan with regards to renewable energy. The country is looking to accomplish the plan in six months manifesting investments that will expedite the country's transition to renewable energy from fossil fuel-based power supply. As per reports, the new...

JinkoSolar to Supply 522 MW of Modules for Brazil’s Solar Project

JinkoSolar Holding Co. Ltd., among the largest and most innovative solar module manufacturers in the world, has revealed that its principal operating subsidiary, Jinko Solar Co., Ltd. ("Jiangxi Jinko") will supply nearly 522 MW of Tiger Neo 78 cell modules for Phase l of the...

Google, Microsoft Sign New Pacts to Employ Renewables in Data Centres

IT conglomerates Google and Microsoft are increasingly opting for ways to decarbonise their businesses and help timely transition to green and clean energy. In a fresh development, both the companies have announced the signing of new agreements that will help them lower carbon footprint of...

Australia’s Biggest Wind Project to Double in Size for First 2 GW Cluster

Australian States have constantly been ramping up efforts in renewable energy, wind energy included. Now, Queensland, dubbed as the 'Sunshine State', has recently revealed its aspirations with regards to what the government has termed as one of the largest wind onshore projects globally. This will...

Renewable Power Capital, Eelpower Form JV for 1 GW Storage In UK

Renewable Power Capital (RPC), a pan-European renewable energy investment platform backed by CPP Investments, has announced that it has entered into the battery storage market in Great Britain, in partnership with Eelpower, the UK specialist battery storage company. The official statement by RPC held that...

HCG Hospital Chain Installs 2.25 MW Solar Power Plant

Hospitals in India have been recognising the many advantages of installing solar panels, such as curbing electricity bills since healthcare is an energy intensive industry. Among the most recent hospitals to take the solar route is Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd (HCG), which is among the...

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