Author: Saur News Bureau

150 GW of RE Projects at Risk Due to Coronavirus

In the fast developing situation arising out of the Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on renewables worldwide, we have seen many estimates, and updations to those estimates. The latest one is Wood Mackenzie’s (Woodmac) research that shows up to 150 gigawatts (GW) of wind and solar projects across the Asia Pacific at risk. These projects […]

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As India Goes Electric, MellowVans Offers A Model for Cargo

One of the more heartening things about the introduction of electric vehicles in India has been the fact that it happened without any major government support. The famed subsidies and other incentives that it took to get a significant part of the population moving by EV’s, was never put to use here, as E-rickshaws, proliferated. […]

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In China, a Mixed Bag of Results And News from Solar Majors in Q1

Close on the heels of a strong recovery in March this year, right after the worst of the Covid-19 imposed lockdowns in the country, major China-based firms have declared a mixed set of  news, guidance, and results. Bringing up the tough news was Sunpower, a manufacturer of cells and modules, which has idled its plants […]

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Floating Solar and Fishery Chalks Another Success in China with 120 MW plant

Months after the start of a 260 MW plant in China’s Anhui province that was made by China General Nuclear Power Group , that used floating solar and allowed fishery at the site, comes news of another 120 MW plant going online. The new plant  is located at Cixi, in Zhejiang province of China.The plant, […]

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The Woodmac Weekly Update on Renewable Energy Worldwide

In the third of its weekly updates for the global renewables industry, Wood Mackenzie, the global research firm has shared its report for the week ending April 20. Solar and storage expected to see ~20% coronavirus impact compared to base case. Onshore wind impact is more muted in near-term, but cascading supply chain and construction […]

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Crashing Oil, Booming Solar. Possible?

While the slump in oil prices will have its own yet to be seen second, and third order effects, be it political stability in the middle east, or moves by the US and Russia to outflank each other, for India,  this is the opportunity that needs to be taken with both hands. The country has […]

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China’s March Jump in PV Exports Unlikely To Sustain

China-based manufacturers got some relief in March, as PV equipment exports spiked 160 percent to 7.49 GW over the 2.83GW figure for February 2020. March was when most Chinese manufacturers restarted operations after the lockdown and disruptions caused there, by the Covid-19 outbreak. A resumption to full production is still in doubt, with restrictions rolling […]

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Renewable Energy can Support Resilient and Equitable Recovery: IRENA

Advancing the renewable-based energy transformation is an opportunity to meet international climate goals while boosting economic growth, IRENA has revealed. Advancing the renewable-based energy transformation is an opportunity to meet international climate goals while boosting economic growth, creating millions of jobs and improving human welfare by 2050, the first Global Renewables Outlook released by the […]

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Amid Lockdown, India to boost Discoms With Electricity Despite Dues

Generation, transmission firms in India will be involved in the continuous supply and transmission of electricity to Discoms despite their outstanding dues In India, the central public sector undertaking (CPSU) generation and transmission companies will be involved in the continuous supply and transmission of electricity to distribution companies (Discoms) despite the huge outstanding dues. As […]

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