Author: Chitrika Grover

Six Solar Manufacturing Companies Establish Alliance to Standardize 700W+ Modules

Trina Solar, a PV and energy storage solutions firm has announced that it has established a “Photovoltaic Open Innovation Ecological Alliance” with five other manufacturers. They claim that this joint initiative would bring standardizing in applying the design of 700W+ PV modules. Other companies that are part of the alliance are, Astronergy, Canadian Solar, Risen […]

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UK-EU New Trade Rule To Support, EV Manufacturers And Consumers

The United Kingdom government (UK) and European Union (EU) have recently announced their agreement to extended trade rules on electric vehicles (EVs). The move is set to help the manufacturers and consumers save up to £4.3 billion in additional costs.  This agreement can provide long term certainty for automotive industry and boost electric vehicle sales […]

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Sabarmati Multi Modal Transit Hub Develops 700 kWp Rooftop Solar Plant Under RESCO Mode

The Sabarmati Multi Modal Transit Hub building in Ahmedabad, Gujarat has installed 700 kWp Solar Power Plant under the (Renewable Energy Service Company) RESCO mode. It claims that this is the first time that Gujarat developed – Roof-Top Solar Plant under RESCO Mode. The Sabarmati hub is a multi-modal transit building which will provide seamless […]

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Europe Witnesses Surge In Electric Car Adoption By 50%: ACEA

European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) stated that there has been an increase in new battery electric car registrations by 20%. In August 2023, the European Union (EU) car market expanded by 21%, reaching 787,626 registered units, marking the thirteenth consecutive month of growth. Despite august typically being a slower month for car sales, double-digit gains […]

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11.61 Lakh Electric Vehicles Sold Under FAME-II Scheme, Says Govt

The Minister of Heavy Industry (MHI) Minister, Mahendra Nath Pandey recently shared data on the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India (FAME-II) Scheme in the parliament. The scheme operated for a period of five years commencing from 1st April 2019 with a total budgetary support of Rs. 10,000 crores. The minister said […]

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UP Continues To Host Largest EV Share In India, Govt Tells Parliament

Minister of State (MoS) of Heavy Industries of India, Krishan Pal Gurjar recently told the Lok Sabha that Uttar Pradesh (UP) continued to host the highest number of electric vehicles (EVs) in the country. This came to the fore when the minister furnished the state-wise list of sales of EVs across India. As per the […]

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European Union Invests €2 Billion In Clean Energy Infrastructure Projects

The European Union (EU) recently disbursed modernization fund, of €2.17 billion to help the energy within nine Member States through 19 selected projects. These investments are set to help lower-income EU countries to meet their 2030 climate and energy targets. It will help to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in energy, industry and transport, and […]

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LONGi Develops Silicon Solar Cells With 27.09% Efficiency

The world’s largest integrated  solar module maker, LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd., has  announced that it developed solar cells with 27.09% for the efficiency. It adds that the crystalline silicon heterojunction and back-contact (HBC) solar cells, are certified by the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH) in Germany. The solar cells of 27.09% […]

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Motovolt, German Firm Swobbee In Tie-up For Battery Swapping Stations

Motovolt Mobility Pvt. Ltd, an e-mobility brand, has collaborated with German climate-tech firm Swobbee to establish 200 battery swapping stations across India within the next 24 months. This partnership aims to address the challenges associated with electric vehicles (EVs), with a primary focus on battery charging time, cost, and life to elevate the overall user […]

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