Author: Chitrika Grover

Changes In BIPV Components Can Hike PV Efficiency By 4.5%: Study

A recent research report on Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) and its impact in cooling roofs shed light on several interesting facts. The research was undertaken by the researchers from the University of South Wales (Australia) and Calcutta University. The study demonstrated the growing significance of rooftop-integrated photovoltaic systems (PVs) in the solar energy landscape. The study […]

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Global Solar Investments Increased By 2% In Last 8 Years: Report

A latest report by the International Solar Alliance (ISA) stated that global investment in solar increased by an average of around 2 percent over the last eight years. It added that, on the contrary, fossil fuels are still receiving a major share at nearly a trillion dollars annually.  The report put the investment in the global energy sector […]

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European Green Deal Law Aided In Increased RE Deployment: Report

The European Union (EU) shared a report titled ‘The State of the Energy Union’ 2023, by the European Commission. The report looks back on the EU response to the unprecedented energy crisis of the past two years. It assesses the state of play with the green transition at the national and global levels. It further […]

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